
きものがある桐花会 / Kimono Girl Toukakai

〜和ピネス〜 / ~Wapiness~

美しい着物姿で最高のHappy &Joyの未来を / A Beautiful Kimono for a Happy & Joyful Future



きものがある桐花会は、オンラインレッスンで海外や地方にお住まいの方、介護や育児で通えない方でもご受講頂けます。(時差についてはご相談下さい。) そして、皆様がお持ちの着物で楽しめる着物ライフの実現をお手伝い致します。新しく誂えなくても大切な方からお譲り受けた思い出の着物、過去に購入された愛着ある着物で人生をより豊かにワクワク楽しみませんか♬


Have you ever been troubled by the thought? "I brought a kimono with me to my overseas destination, but I can't wear it by myself!" Have you forgotten how to wear a kimono that you learned a long time ago and feel that it is too late to go to a kimono dressing class? I want to dress my child for the Shichi-Go-San (Seven-Five-Three) festival or the coming-of-age ceremony, but I don't have the skills to do so. Have you ever had the disappointing experience of not being able to eat at a party because the kimono was too tight?

Kimono Girl Toukakai offers online lessons to those who live overseas or in rural areas, or those who cannot attend due to nursing or childcare. (Please consult us about the time difference.) And we will help you realize a kimono life that you can enjoy with your own kimono. I'll help you with the kimono of your memories that you received from your loved ones, and the kimono that you bought in the past, and enjoy your life more richly and excitedly.

ご挨拶 / Greetings

きものがある桐花会代表 / Representative of Kimono Girl Toukakai
まきこ Makiko


















Nice to meet you all.

Thank you for visiting Kimono Girl Toukakai.
We started our kimono dressing class with the hope that people who think "kimono is too tight and painful" can enjoy kimono and Japanese culture in their daily life.

If you think of it as fashion, you will feel a little more familiar with it, won't you?

In fact, traditional culture has been handed down in different forms to suit the times.

Imagine going out for lunch or to a museum or concert in a dignified kimono. Doesn't it make you feel excited? Then, when your neighbors or passers-by say, "You look wonderful," you can't help but smile.

Doesn't it make you feel like your life is shining!

When I first started learning how to dress, I was so excited and happy that I wore a kimono every day and took pictures of it. I wanted to improve quickly, so I kept practicing while looking at the photos and worrying about what wasn't beautiful and how I could wear it without feeling pain.

I've even ordered a large bowl of ramen alongside my master at a popular ramen restaurant in Shibuya. I was also given many opportunities to go out with my kimono-wearing friends (my mother?) and had wonderful encounters and experiences. I think I was very blessed to have spent my time as a kimono beginner.

Now it may be my turn to return the favor. I would be happy if even just one person could become interested in kimono and have exciting and fun experiences with kimono through Toukakai's lessons and blog.

In April 2020, we started online lessons, and I learned the fun of being able to communicate with people all over the world, including those who are far away or unable to attend due to family reasons, through kimono.
From now on, you don't have to ask someone to dress you, but you can wear and enjoy yourself! Celebrate your loved ones' big day by dressing them! You can dress your loved ones and celebrate their big day! This is the time to do so.

Please grab an exciting, fun and rich future with your own hands. We will help your life to shine more abundantly through kimono.

I will be waiting for you at the lesson.

Thank you for reading to the end.

資格 / Certification







Kimono Dressing Instructor Level 1
Kimono culture level 2
New Japanese Dance Instructor

Influenced by my kimono-loving grandfather, I spent my childhood often gathering in kimono for New Year's, weddings and funerals. In the summer of my first year of junior high school, I learned how to wear a yukata from my aunt, who ran a kimono dressing school, and began to develop an interest in Japanese clothing.

I immediately put what I learned into practice and went to a summer festival with my friend, dressing her in a yukata, and felt the joy of dressing others.

When I was in my twenties, I became a certified kimono dressing instructor at a major kimono dressing school in central Tokyo. I also started learning Japanese dance and had more opportunities to wear kimono.
Around that time, I had the good fortune to meet the Japanese painter Eiseetsu Shiratori, a member of the Japan Art Academy and advisor to the Nitten (Japan Fine Arts Exhibition), who was a direct disciple of the master of beauty painting, Shinsui Ito.

「桐花会(とうかかい)」の名前の由来 / Origin of the name "Toukakai"


  •  日本画家白鳥映雪先生
    • 日展作品モデル
      • 『惜春』(2000年)
      • 『はるかな刻』(2001年、2007年)
    •  日春展作品モデル
      • 『朝』(1999年)
      • 『若き日』(2002年)
    • 着付け講師を取得した記念に「桐花会」という名を白鳥先生より授かる。(桐は実家の家紋より)


  • Japanese painter, Eisetsu Shiratori
    • Nitten work model
      • "Spare Spring" (2000)
      • "Faraway Time" (2001, 2007)
    •  Model for the Nitten exhibition
      • "Morning" (1999)
      • "Young Day" (2002)
    • In commemoration of becoming a kimono dressing instructor, I was given the name "Toukakai" by my Eisetsu Shiratori. ("Tou"-Paulownia is from the family crest of my parents' house.)

国際文化交流活動及び代表実績 / International cultural exchange activities and achievements of representatives


  • 2010年よりホストファミリーとして留学生の受け入れを始める。
  • 2015年5月ローマ公演オペラ『マダムバタフライ』・コーラス出演者着付け
  • 2017年7月天王洲銀河劇場七夕ライブ・ゲスト出演者着付け
  • 2018年2月表参道バンブー・コンサート出演者着付け
  • 2018年3月赤坂グローバルサロンコンサート・出演者着付け
  • 2019年12月ニューヨーク公演『ジャパニーズ・トラディショナル・カルチャー・ショー・アンド・SDGs子どもプロジェクト』・出演者着付け
  • 2021年3月アメリカテキサス州にてJoynist, Inc.設立
  • 2021年5月日本法人支店設立


  • 2010: Started accepting international students as a host family.
    I have hosted 8 groups of students from the U.S., Canada, France, Singapore, Australia, etc., and they have become familiar with Japanese culture. Many of them love our house and come back again. It was also a miracle that two students who stayed at our house got married a few years later. One student even got married in our house.
  • May 2015: Dressing for the chorus of the opera "Madame Butterfly" performed in Rome.
  • July 2017: Dressing for a guest performer at the Tennozu Ginga Gekijo Tanabata Live.
  • February 2018: Dressing for the Omotesando Bamboo Concert.
  • March 2018: Dressing for a performer at the Akasaka Global Salon Concert.
  • December 2019: Dressing for the performers of "Japanese Traditional Culture Show and SDGs Children Project" in New York.
  • March 2021: Established Joynist, Inc. in Texas, USA.
  • May 2021: Established a branch office in Japan.

お問い合わせ / Inquiry


If you would like to apply for a lesson or make an inquiry, please contact us here.


050-3569-1055 Japan
